
FIU CONNECT (Cryptoassets) updated

FIU CONNECT (Cryptoassets) updated We are excited to announce that an updated edition of FIU CONNECT (Cryptoassets) has been released and is now available on FIU Connect. The updated course content is delivered through a digital textbook and video infographics are embedded throughout to bring notes and examples to life.

FIU CONNECT (Trade-Based Money Laundering) updated

FIU CONNECT (Trade-Based Money Laundering) updated We are excited to announce that an updated edition of FIU CONNECT (Trade-Based Money Laundering) has been released and is now available on FIU Connect. The updated course content is delivered through a digital textbook and video infographics are embedded throughout to bring notes and examples to life.

FIU CONNECT (Correspondent Banking) updated

FIU CONNECT (Correspondent Banking) updated We are excited to announce that an updated edition of FIU CONNECT (Correspondent Banking) has been released and is now available on FIU Connect. The updated course content is delivered through a digital textbook and video infographics are embedded throughout to bring notes and examples to life.

Wolfsberg Group Secretariat is Hiring

The Wolfsberg Group Secretariat is looking for two staff to join their team in Basel, Switzerland. If you’re interested in the fight against financial crime, these positions offer great exposure and opportunity for candidates with the right experience. Applications are being accepted through to January 31st 2024.

AML Partnership Forum

What is the AML Partnership Forum? ManchesterCF is happy to be a part of the 2023 list of sponsors for the AML Partnership Forum. The AML Partnership Forum is an opportunity for members of the AML community from financial service providers and law enforcement agencies to have candid, confidential conversations on key topics on preventing …

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Brand New Look, Same Great Content!

We are excited to announce that soon the FIU Connect training platform is going to have a new look! In alignment with ManchesterCF’s philosophy of continuous improvement, a modernised navigation experience will be implemented by Monday, February 13th 2023.

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ManchesterCF Financial Intelligence